Twelve Years a Slave

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      “Twelve Years a Slave” recounts the harrowing true story of Solomon Northup, a free African American man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the antebellum South. Through Northup’s own vivid and compelling narrative, readers are transported to the brutal world of plantation life, where human beings are treated as property and subjected to unimaginable cruelty. As Northup struggles to maintain his dignity and humanity in the face of oppression, his story serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for freedom and justice.


      Northup’s firsthand account offers a searing indictment of the institution of slavery and exposes the hypocrisy of a society that espouses ideals of freedom and equality while perpetuating the dehumanization of its fellow human beings. Through his experiences, readers gain insight into the complex dynamics of power and oppression that underpin the institution of slavery, as well as the profound psychological and emotional toll it exacts on both the enslaved and the enslavers. “Twelve Years a Slave” is not only a gripping tale of survival and endurance but also a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed in the name of greed and exploitation.

      Published in 1853, “Twelve Years a Slave” is a seminal work of American literature that continues to resonate with readers today. Northup’s courageous story challenges us to confront the darkest chapters of our nation’s history and to strive for a more just and equitable society. Through his eloquent prose and unflinching honesty, Northup leaves an indelible mark on the reader’s conscience, urging us to remember the past and to honor the enduring legacy of those who fought for freedom and dignity in the face of oppression.

      Numbered eBooks: 232

      Number of Unique Covers: 37

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 15

      Solomon Northup

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      The Broken Eliza

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      Publisher :

      Series : Banned Book-A-Day

      First Publication Date : 1853

      Author : Solomon Northup

      Genres: Autobiography, Biography, Classics, History, Memoir, Non-Fiction

      Language : English

      Word Count : 80,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 39 ADA

      Purchase Limit: 2

      Cardano Policy ID : a6a591985d556601cff10132c1b3cbafe1c950892088109ee38f5ddc

      Author Info

      Solomon Northup

      Solomon Northup (1807-unknown) was born a free man in New York and became known for his memoir, "Twelve Years a Slave," which recounts his abduction and subsequent enslavement in the antebellum South. Northup's narrative offers a firsthand account of the horrors of slavery, detailing the physical, emotional, and psychological toll it exacted on him and his fellow enslaved individuals.
      Through his eloquent prose and vivid descriptions, Northup exposes the brutality and inhumanity of the institut… Read More

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