Decentralized Encrypted Assets™

How Decentralized Encrypted Asset (DEA) eBooks, Audiobooks, Music, Video and more will radically change the Internet we know today

Preserving & Protecting Knowledge

Previous attempts to create Web3-based book solutions have exhibited inherent flaws. One such flawed approach involves uploading unprotected raw source files to decentralized storage and using an NFT to represent shared ownership. Unfortunately, this leaves the source file accessible to anyone with the link, jeopardizing the integrity and exclusivity of the media. Another flawed attempt involves storing a centralized file and using an NFT as a key for access, essentially replicating the current system of licensed content with an upgraded password. This method fails to address the issues of access control and content manipulation that plague the existing Web2 system.

Decentralized Encrypted Assets are a further expansion of blockchain technology beyond the current NFT paradigm. Decentralized Encrypted Assets are sometimes referred to also as “NFT books,” “Programmable Books,” “Smart NFTs,” or “Utility NFTs” — however, the most accurate acronym is a “DEA.” The simplest definition of a DEA media is that it uses a combination of Web3 technology to produce unique DRM-protected digital assets. Figure 1 breaks down each of the contributing components:

• Blockchain is used for immutable and trustless recordkeeping

• Decentralized storage is used to stream content, so there is no single point of failure or centralized content controller

• Smart Contracts are used to define the rules for how the digital book will work and payout

• NFTs are used to verify ownership and contain instructions to decrypt the book so that only the person who owns the book can read or listen to it

• DRM encryption is used, which is much more advanced than any current standard

• Artificial Intelligence is used in several ways for content, graphics, data processing, and code creation

4.4. How DEAs Work

Below, Figure 2 shows the basic construct of a DEA:

The NFT itself contains an encrypted string that references metadata and links to public and private files, which are all then used to decrypt and reassemble the file and make them viewable within the fulfillment dApp.

In the following Figure 3, content is ingested into the system. From there, the files are broken into smaller shards to help load faster and add additional security. Both public metadata and encrypted data are uploaded to decentralized storage, so that books cannot be destroyed. An NFT is generated with an encrypted key file to access a manifest file of all the contents and have the ability to decrypt that particular asset. Finally, the smart contract is programmed to contain the proper royalty/commission structures.

All the files are stored on decentralized storage and are accessible via a linked DEA that was created. Consumers can then open this DEA media within the Decentralized Application (dApp). The instructions within the NFT fetch the encrypted key file, allowing access to the manifest where all the files are located. This process is handled by a function called the “Librarian.” The files are pulled down, decrypted, and reassembled. The file is then viewable within the eReader dApp.