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The Critique of Pure Reason
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jpg.store“The Critique of Pure Reason” is a philosophical work by Immanuel Kant, first published in 1781. It is one of Kant’s major works and is considered a cornerstone in modern Western philosophy. The book addresses fundamental questions about human knowledge, metaphysics, and the nature of reality.
“The Critique of Pure Reason” has had a profound impact on philosophy and has influenced a wide range of thinkers.
Here are some key aspects and themes of “The Critique of Pure Reason”:
- Epistemology and Metaphysics: Kant aims to reconcile empiricism (knowledge through experience) and rationalism (knowledge through reason) by investigating the nature and limits of human knowledge. He explores the relationship between the mind and the external world.
- Categories of Understanding: Kant introduces the idea of “categories of understanding,” which are innate concepts that shape our perception of reality. These categories, such as causality, substance, and reality, are necessary for organizing sensory experiences and forming coherent knowledge.
- A Priori and A Posteriori Knowledge: Kant distinguishes between a priori knowledge (knowledge independent of experience) and a posteriori knowledge (knowledge derived from experience). He argues that certain concepts, like the categories of understanding, are a priori and contribute to our understanding of the world.
- Transcendental Idealism: Kant proposes a form of idealism known as transcendental idealism. According to this view, the mind plays an active role in shaping our experience of reality, and the nature of things in themselves (noumena) is inaccessible to human knowledge.
- Limits of Pure Reason: Kant acknowledges the limits of human knowledge, asserting that there are certain questions (such as the existence of God, freedom, and immortality) that cannot be answered through pure reason alone. He introduces practical reason in later works to address ethical and moral concerns.
While it is regarded as a seminal work, it has also been subject to criticism and interpretation. Some critics argue that Kant’s arguments are complex and challenging to fully understand, leading to various interpretations and debates within the philosophical community.
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Publisher : Book.io
Series : Monday Meditations 2.0
First Publication Date : 1781
Author : Immanuel Kant
Genres: Classics, Metaphysics, Non-Fiction, Philosophy, Science, Treatise
Language : English
Word Count : 200,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 349 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 149 ADA, for wallet holding Meditations
Purchase Limit: 1
Cardano Policy ID : 8118f7cf4957fd8313d96d5b37b6a383d166d300c6b1c776b51d33fb
Author Info
Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was a German philosopher who made significant contributions to various branches of philosophy, including metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy.
Kant's ideas had a profound impact on subsequent philosophy and continue to be widely studied and debated. His emphasis on reason, morality, and the limitations of human knowledge has left an enduring mark on the intellectua… Read More
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