On the Nature of Things


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      “On the Nature of Things” (De Rerum Natura) by Titus Lucretius Carus is a seminal work of ancient Roman literature and philosophy, written in the 1st century BCE. This epic poem, composed in six books, aims to explain the physical world through the lens of Epicurean philosophy, which Lucretius ardently followed.


      Lucretius explores a variety of topics in “On the Nature of Things,” including the nature of the universe, the development of life, the workings of the human mind, and the pursuit of happiness. He employs poetic language to convey complex scientific and philosophical ideas, making them accessible and engaging. He emphasizes the importance of reason and observation in his work, advocating for a materialistic view of the world where natural laws explain everything without invoking the supernatural.

      “On the Nature of Things” profoundly influenced later scientific and philosophical thought, contributing to the development of atomism and the rejection of superstition. Lucretius’s efforts to reconcile poetry with philosophy not only provide insight into the beliefs of his time but also offer timeless reflections on the nature of existence and human experience.

      Numbered eBooks: 157

      Number of Unique Covers: 16

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 10

      The Epicurean Mentality

      1 Unique Designs
      x 49 Numbered eBooks
      = 49 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 108 - 156
      (31.21% of Supply)

      Creation of the World

      1 Unique Designs
      x 34 Numbered eBooks
      = 34 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 74 - 107
      (21.66% of Supply)

      Dust to Dust

      1 Unique Designs
      x 25 Numbered eBooks
      = 25 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 49 - 73
      (15.92% of Supply)

      Natural Selection

      1 Unique Designs
      x 19 Numbered eBooks
      = 19 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 30 - 48
      (12.10% of Supply)

      Cosmic Evolution

      1 Unique Designs
      x 13 Numbered eBooks
      = 13 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 17 - 29
      (8.28% of Supply)

      The Seeds of Phenomena

      1 Unique Designs
      x 7 Numbered eBooks
      = 7 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 10 - 16
      (4.46% of Supply)

      The Nature of the Soul

      4 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 4 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 6 - 9
      (2.55% of Supply)

      Morality and Decay

      3 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 3 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 3 - 5
      (1.91% of Supply)

      The Epicurean Atom

      2 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 2 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 1 - 2
      (1.27% of Supply)

      The Tempest

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 0 - 0
      (0.64% of Supply)


      Publisher : Book.io

      Series : Monday Meditations 2.0

      First Publication Date : 1st C. BCE

      Author : Titus Lucretius Carus

      Genres: Classics, Epic Poem, Literature, Philosophy

      Language : English

      Word Count : 50,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : Book.io eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Author Info

      Titus Lucretius Carus

      Titus Lucretius Carus (approximately 99 BCE – 55 BCE), commonly known as Lucretius, wrote the epic philosophical poem "De Rerum Natura" ("On the Nature of Things").
      Lucretius profoundly impacted both classical and modern thought with his work, significantly contributing to the development of atomism and influencing later scientific and philosophical discussions.
      Despite the scarcity of biographical details about his life, Lucretius's intellectual legacy endures through "De Rerum Natura," a c… Read More

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