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Heart of Darkness Audiobook
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, first published in 1899, remains one of the most powerful and haunting explorations of human nature and colonialism. The novella takes readers on a journey into the depths of the African Congo, where the line between civilization and savagery blurs in disturbing ways.
Charles Marlow, a seaman, accepts a job with a Belgian trading company to captain a steamboat up the Congo River. As he ventures deeper into the jungle, Marlow fixates on Kurtz, a mysterious ivory trader who has established himself as a near-deity among the local inhabitants. Along the way, Marlow confronts the brutal realities of colonial exploitation, witnessing firsthand the atrocities inflicted on the land and its people by European greed. Conrad intensifies the novel’s eerie atmosphere through vivid descriptions of the vast wilderness and the unnerving silence that engulfs the jungle.
As Marlow draws closer to Kurtz, the story delves into a chilling exploration of power, madness, and moral collapse. Kurtz, once an idealist, succumbs to the darkness around him, losing his humanity as he embraces the wild and its corrupting influence. Conrad uses this unraveling of Kurtz to critique imperialism’s destructive nature and the fragility of Western civilization’s moral facade. Heart of Darkness endures as a thought-provoking work, challenging readers to grapple with the nature of evil, moral responsibility, and the fine line between light and darkness within the human soul.
Numbered Audiobooks: 400
Number of Unique Covers: 120
Number of 1:1 Covers: 50
The Hollow Kurtz
15 Unique Designs
x 8 Numbered Audiobooks
= 120 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 280 - 399
(30.00% of Supply)
The Band of Natives
13 Unique Designs
x 6 Numbered Audiobooks
= 78 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 202 - 279
(19.50% of Supply)
The Congo River
12 Unique Designs
x 5 Numbered Audiobooks
= 60 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 142 - 201
(15.00% of Supply)
The Symbolic Masking
11 Unique Designs
x 4 Numbered Audiobooks
= 44 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 98 - 141
(11.00% of Supply)
The Fiancée of Kurtz
10 Unique Designs
x 3 Numbered Audiobooks
= 30 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 68 - 97
(7.50% of Supply)
The River Boat
9 Unique Designs
x 2 Numbered Audiobooks
= 18 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 50 - 67
(4.50% of Supply)
The African Mistress
14 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 14 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 36 - 49
(3.50% of Supply)
The Darkened Marlow
13 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 13 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 23 - 35
(3.25% of Supply)
The Cannibals on Board
12 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 12 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 11 - 22
(3.00% of Supply)
The Heart of Darkness
11 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 11 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 0 - 10
(2.75% of Supply)
Publisher : Book.io
Series : Banned Audiobook
First Publication Date : 1899
Author : Joseph Conrad
Genres: Classics, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literature, Novella
Narrator : Bob Neufeld
Language : English
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 35 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 26 ADA, for wallet holding Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Audiobook (Cardano)
Cardano Policy ID : b0dfe82e1510bb10fdf0dfdb40bc0d718f86529d8dad2d05cfdd156b
Author Info
Joseph Conrad
From Wikipedia: Joseph Conrad (3 December 1857 – 3 August 1924) was a Polish-British novelist and short story writer. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language; though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he came to be regarded a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature. He wrote novels and stories, many in nautical settings, that depict crises of human individuality in the midst of what he saw as an indiffe… Read More
by Joseph Conrad
“Heart of Darkness” is a novella written by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1899. It is considered one of the most important works in English literature and a classic of modernist literature. The story is framed as a narrative within a narrative and is primarily set in the Congo Free State (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) during the late 19th century, during the height of European colonialism in Africa.
The novella follows the journey of Charles Marlow, an English seaman and narr… Read More
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