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Grimms’ Fairy Tales
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opensea.io“Grimms’ Fairy Tales,” compiled by the renowned brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, this beloved anthology brings together a treasure trove of German folklore and fairy tales. Originally published in 1812 as “Children’s and Household Tales,” the collection showcases a rich tapestry of oral traditions passed down through the ages.
The stories in “Grimms’ Fairy Tales” were gathered by the Grimm brothers from various sources, including oral traditions, written manuscripts, and folktales passed down through generations. Many of these tales date back centuries and were originally intended for both children and adults.
The collection features a wide array of stories, ranging from well-known classics like “Cinderella,” “Snow White,” “Hansel and Gretel,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Rumpelstiltskin” to lesser-known tales with equally captivating narratives.
The themes explored in these fairy tales are diverse and often include elements of magic, adventure, morality, and the supernatural. Through their storytelling, the Grimm brothers sought to preserve German cultural heritage while also entertaining and educating readers of all ages.
“Grimms’ Fairy Tales” has had a profound influence on literature, folklore studies, and popular culture worldwide. It has been translated into numerous languages and adapted into countless books, films, plays, and other media. The collection remains a beloved classic, cherished for its enchanting storytelling, timeless themes, and enduring appeal to audiences of all ages.
Numbered eBooks: 451
Number of Unique Covers: 131
Number of 1:1 Covers: 69
22 Unique Designs
x 8 Numbered eBooks
= 176 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 275 - 450
(39.02% of Supply)
The Frog Prince
16 Unique Designs
x 6 Numbered eBooks
= 96 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 179 - 274
(21.29% of Supply)
Hansel and Gretel
14 Unique Designs
x 5 Numbered eBooks
= 70 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 109 - 178
(15.52% of Supply)
Sleeping Beauty
10 Unique Designs
x 4 Numbered eBooks
= 40 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 69 - 108
(8.87% of Supply)
21 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 21 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 48 - 68
(4.66% of Supply)
Snow White
19 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 19 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 29 - 47
(4.21% of Supply)
16 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 16 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 13 - 28
(3.55% of Supply)
Little Red Riding Hood
13 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 13 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 12
(2.88% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 35
Number of Unique Covers: 35
Number of 1:1 Covers: 35
9 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 9 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 26 - 34
(25.71% of Supply)
8 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 8 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 18 - 25
(22.86% of Supply)
Little Red Riding Hood
6 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 6 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 12 - 17
(17.14% of Supply)
Snow White
5 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 5 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 7 - 11
(14.29% of Supply)
The Frog Prince
4 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 4 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 3 - 6
(11.43% of Supply)
3 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 3 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 2
(8.57% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 70
Number of Unique Covers: 70
Number of 1:1 Covers: 70
14 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 14 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 56 - 69
(20.00% of Supply)
Hansel and Gretel
11 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 11 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 45 - 55
(15.71% of Supply)
Snow White
10 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 10 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 35 - 44
(14.29% of Supply)
Sleeping Beauty
9 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 9 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 26 - 34
(12.86% of Supply)
8 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 8 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 18 - 25
(11.43% of Supply)
7 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 7 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 11 - 17
(10.00% of Supply)
Little Red Riding Hood
6 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 6 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 5 - 10
(8.57% of Supply)
The Frog Prince
5 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 5 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 4
(7.14% of Supply)
Publisher : Book.io
Series : Misfits
First Publication Date : 1812
Authors: Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Genres: Anthology, Children's Literature, Classics, Fairy tale, Fiction, Folklore
Language : English
Word Count : 200,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 39 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 19 ADA, for wallet holding Emma (ADA)
Purchase Limit: 3
Cardano Policy ID : dad0cf226f22769ca246c3c71ff3e3940d525f17d9b8f744e477c9da
Ethereum Retail Price : .01 ETH
Ethereum Discount Price : .002 ETH, for wallet holding Emma (ETH)
Purchase Limit: 5
Ethereum Contract Address : 0x3A1797f66cd388aE8458B606B44EAD6a60Ff4E1B
Polygon Retail Price : 29 MATIC
Polygon Discount Price : 5 MATIC, for wallet holding Emma (POLY)
Purchase Limit: 5
Polygon Contract Address : 0x6b9f06c9bBB15aC195A24761CC4Af5EA37f6edEF
Author Info
Jacob Grimm
Jacob Grimm (1785–1863) was a German philologist, jurist, and folklorist, best known as one of the Brothers Grimm, alongside his younger brother Wilhelm Grimm. Together, they are renowned for their collection of German folktales and fairy tales, which have become classics of world literature.
Born in Hanau, Germany, Jacob Grimm studied law at the University of Marburg and later worked as a librarian and professor. Alongside his brother Wilhelm, Jacob dedicated much of his life to researching … Read More
Wilhelm Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859) was a German folklorist, linguist, and author, best known as one of the Brothers Grimm, alongside his elder brother Jacob Grimm.
Born in Hanau, Germany, Wilhelm Grimm studied law at the University of Marburg alongside his brother Jacob. Together, they embarked on a lifelong collaboration in academia, folklore research, and literary pursuits. Their most famous work, "Children's and Household Tales" (Kinder- und Hausmärchen), commonly known as … Read More
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