Genre - Short Story

“Droll Stories” by Honoré de Balzac is a collection of ribald and satirical tales set in medieval France, filled with humor, wit, and irreverence. Balzac, a prolific French novelist and playwright, penned these tales in the mid-19th century as a departure from his more serious literary works, aiming to entertain and amuse his readers with bawdy and risqué narratives. Through a series of colorful characters and outrageous scenarios, Balzac explores the foibles and follies of human n… Read More

Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” transports readers to the vibrant and diverse world of medieval England, offering a panoramic view of society through the lens of a group of pilgrims journeying to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. Written in Middle English in the late 14th century, Chaucer’s magnum opus is a rich tapestry of storytelling, wit, and social commentary. Through a series of interconnected tales told by a colorful cast of characters from vario… Read More

Tim and Julie are being forced to work again, but this time as frogs? Brace yourselves for another
begrudgingly epic adventure, as Tim and Julie are lured to another dimension to save the day.
The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contains profanity, sexuality, violence, and a lot of really
stupid jokes. This story is intended for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.
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Tim and Julie are being forced to work again, but this time as frogs? Brace yourselves for another
begrudgingly epic adventure, as Tim and Julie are lured to another dimension to save the day.
The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contains profanity, sexuality, violence, and a lot of really
stupid jokes. This story is intended for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.
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A former Wall Street veteran, quarantined by the coronavirus, becomes consumed with madness―or the fulfillment of his own mythic fate.
The Reservoir is a twisted rom-com for our distanced time, when the merest touch could kill and conspiracy theories propagate like viruses―a contemporary union of Death in Venice, Rear Window, and The Plague.
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“Just So Stories” is a collection of whimsical and imaginative children’s stories written by Rudyard Kipling, first published in 1902. The book is notable for its engaging storytelling and inventive explanations for the origins of various phenomena in the natural world.
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“Scary Fiction Shorts” showcases Lovecraft’s mastery of cosmic horror, where ancient and unknowable forces challenge human understanding, often leading to madness and despair.
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“The King in Yellow” is a fictional play within a book of the same name, written by American author Robert W. Chambers. The book is a collection of interconnected weird and supernatural short stories published in 1895. The play “The King in Yellow” is a central and recurring motif in the stories.
In the fictional universe created by Chambers, “The King in Yellow” is a mysterious and forbidden play. It is described as a two-act play of incomparable beauty and dreadfulness. Those who r… Read More

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1892. The stories feature the detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr. John Watson, who investigates a variety of mysterious and unusual cases. Some of the most famous stories in the collection include “A Scandal in Bohemia,” “The Adventure of the Speckled Band,” and “The Adventure of Silver Blaze.”
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