Ten Days That Shook the World

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      “Ten Days That Shook the World” is a book written by the American journalist and socialist John Reed. It provides an eyewitness account of the October Revolution in Russia, which led to the establishment of the Soviet government.


      “Ten Days That Shook the World” was first published in 1920. Reed’s reporting captures the events from October 25 to November 7, 1917, in Petrograd.

      The book provides a firsthand and vivid account of the revolutionary events that led to the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the rise of the Bolsheviks to power. The title refers to the ten days of October (according to the Julian calendar), during which the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of key government institutions.

      “Ten Days That Shook the World” is considered one of the most important firsthand accounts of the October Revolution. It provides insights into the perspectives of those involved in the revolutionary events.

      The book remains a significant work on the Russian Revolution and is studied as a primary source for understanding the events of October 1917. It provides a unique and firsthand perspective on the tumultuous events that shaped the course of the Russian Revolution, making it a significant historical document.

      Numbered eBooks: 350

      Number of Unique Covers: 139

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 74

      Vladimir Lenin

      16 Unique Designs
      x 6 Numbered eBooks
      = 96 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 254 - 349
      (27.43% of Supply)

      Alexander Kerensky

      15 Unique Designs
      x 5 Numbered eBooks
      = 75 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 179 - 253
      (21.43% of Supply)

      The Destruction of Petrograd

      13 Unique Designs
      x 4 Numbered eBooks
      = 52 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 127 - 178
      (14.86% of Supply)

      The Struggle Between Classes

      11 Unique Designs
      x 3 Numbered eBooks
      = 33 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 94 - 126
      (9.43% of Supply)

      Planning the Revolution

      10 Unique Designs
      x 2 Numbered eBooks
      = 20 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 74 - 93
      (5.71% of Supply)

      The Journalism of John Reed

      18 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 18 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 56 -73
      (5.14% of Supply)

      Leon Trotsky

      17 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 17 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 39 - 55
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      The Bolsheviks Rebellion

      16 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 16 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 23 - 38
      (4.57% of Supply)

      The Winter Palace

      13 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 13 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 10 - 22
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      The Aurora’s Blank Shot

      10 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 10 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 0 - 9
      (2.86% of Supply)


      Publisher : Book.io

      Series : Rulers and Revolutions

      First Publication Date : 1920

      Author : John Reed

      Genres: Documentary Literature, History, Non-Fiction, Politics

      Language : English

      Word Count : 60,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : Book.io eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 69 ADA

      Cardano Discount Price : 29 ADA, for wallet holding Leviathan

      Purchase Limit: 3

      Cardano Policy ID : e067ee58af7ab7f67c237655237b9f00410041900f6c89cb0a28601c

      Author Info

      John Reed

      John Reed (1887-1920) was an American journalist and socialist activist, best known for his first-hand account of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Born on October 22, 1887, in Portland, Oregon, Reed became involved in socialist and radical political activities during his time at Harvard University.
      Reed's most famous work is "Ten Days That Shook the World," a book that provides a vivid and passionate eyewitness account of the October Revolution in Russia.
      He spent time in Petrograd (now St. Pet… Read More

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