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John Keats – Poetry
Immerse yourself in the evocative world of John Keats – Poetry, a collection that captures the essence of Romanticism through the masterful verses of one of England’s most cherished poets.
This anthology encompasses Keats’s most celebrated works, including “Ode to a Nightingale,” “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” and “To Autumn.” Each poem reflects his profound appreciation for beauty, nature, and the complexities of human emotion. Keats’s vivid imagery and sensuous language invite readers into a realm where imagination and reality intertwine seamlessly.
Beyond the renowned odes, the collection features sonnets, narrative poems, and unfinished fragments that showcase Keats’s literary evolution. His exploration of themes such as love, mortality, and the pursuit of artistic expression resonates across time, offering insights into the human experience that remain relevant today.
Numbered eBooks: 600
Number of Unique Covers: 123
Number of 1:1 Covers: 68
Ode to Autumn
13 Unique Designs
x 15 Numbered eBooks
= 195 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 405 - 599
(32.50% of Supply)
John Keats
12 Unique Designs
x 11 Numbered eBooks
= 132 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 273 - 404
(22.00% of Supply)
Bright Star, Would I Were Steadfast as Thou Art
11 Unique Designs
x 9 Numbered eBooks
= 99 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 174 - 272
(16.50% of Supply)
Ode on a Grecian Urn
10 Unique Designs
x 7 Numbered eBooks
= 70 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 104 - 173
(11.67% of Supply)
9 Unique Designs
x 4 Numbered eBooks
= 36 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 68 - 103
(6.00% of Supply)
Ode to a Nightingale
16 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 16 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 52 - 67
(2.67% of Supply)
La Belle Dame sans Merci
15 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 15 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 37 - 51
(2.50% of Supply)
Imagination vs. Reality
14 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 14 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 23 - 36
(2.33% of Supply)
Nature and Sensuality
13 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 13 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 10 - 22
(2.17% of Supply)
The Eve of St. Agnes
10 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 10 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 9
(1.67% of Supply)
Publisher : Book.io
First Publication Date : 1820
Author : John Keats
Genres: Anthology, Classics, Fiction, Poetry
Language : English
Word Count : 96,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Author Info
John Keats
John Keats (1795–1821) was an English Romantic poet celebrated for his vivid imagery and profound exploration of beauty and emotion. Despite training as a surgeon, he turned his attention to poetry, dedicating himself fully to his craft with extraordinary passion and discipline. Although Keats’s work gained little recognition during his short lifetime, his poetry has since been celebrated as some of the finest in the English language.… Read More
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