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Great Expectations
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jpg.storeGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens, first published in 1861 and set in 19th-century London, is a coming-of-age story that follows the life of an orphan named Pip as he navigates the complexities of the world and his own personal growth. Pip grapples with social class, love, guilt, and the consequences of his actions in this timeless Dickens classic.
Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens and his penultimate completed novel. It depicts the education of an orphan nicknamed Pip (the book is a bildungsroman; a coming-of-age story). It is Dickens’ second novel, after David Copperfield, to be fully narrated in the first person. The novel was first published as a serial in Dickens’s weekly periodical All the Year Round, from 1 December 1860 to August 1861. In October 1861, Chapman and Hall published the novel in three volumes.
The novel is set in Kent and London in the early to mid-19th century and contains some of Dickens’s most celebrated scenes, starting in a graveyard, where the young Pip is accosted by the escaped convict Abel Magwitch. Great Expectations is full of extreme imagery – poverty, prison ships and chains, and fights to the death – and has a colorful cast of characters who have entered popular culture. These include the eccentric Miss Havisham, the beautiful but cold Estella, and Joe, the unsophisticated and kind blacksmith. Dickens’s themes include wealth and poverty, love and rejection, and the eventual triumph of good over evil. Great Expectations, which is popular both with readers and literary critics, has been translated into many languages and adapted numerous times into various media.
Upon its release, the novel received near-universal acclaim. Although Dickens’s contemporary Thomas Carlyle referred to it disparagingly as “that Pip nonsense”, he nevertheless reacted to each fresh installment with “roars of laughter”. Later, George Bernard Shaw praised the novel, describing it as “all of one piece and consistently truthful”. During the serial publication, Dickens was pleased with public response to Great Expectations and its sales; when the plot first formed in his mind, he called it “a very fine, new and grotesque idea”.
In the 21st century, the novel retains good ratings among literary critics and in 2003 it was ranked 17th on the BBC’s The Big Read poll.
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Publisher : Book.io
Series : Dickens
First Publication Date : August 1861
Author : Charles Dickens
Genres: Fiction, Gothic Fiction, Graphic Novel, Novel
Language : English
Word Count : 183,349
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 59 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 49 ADA, #OGBookClub
Purchase Limit: 5
Cardano Policy ID : 5a79bb2c81937a0c951e7e548e6d4c6a59823b30c6295c80b0fbcb97
Author Info
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens (1812–1870) remains one of the most celebrated English novelists, renowned for his vivid storytelling and unforgettable characters. Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens experienced a challenging childhood marked by financial instability. His father’s imprisonment for debt forced young Charles to work in a factory, an experience that deeply influenced his later writings. Through determination and talent, Dickens found success as a writer, captivating readers with serialized no… Read More
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