Dog Breaking

    Hosky Edition

    Series : Flash Mint
      69 ADAPlus network fees

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      For the Cardano enthusiast that needs to master the disobedient dog in their Twitter feed. 40 original covers to the 1865 classic, Dog Breaking by W. N. Hutchinson. Only a true idiot would buy this.


      Yes, this is a joke. We at would like to say thanks to Hosky Token and all the idiots for all the laughs over the last year. Happy New Year, Doggo! Enjoy your books!

      Numbered eBooks: 420

      Number of Unique Covers: 40

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 14

      Just a Dog

      12 Unique Designs
      x 28 Numbered eBooks
      = 336 NFT eBooks
      (80.00% of Supply)

      Dog + Poo

      7 Unique Designs
      x 7 Numbered eBooks
      = 49 NFT eBooks
      (11.67% of Supply)


      4 Unique Designs
      x 3 Numbered eBooks
      = 12 NFT eBooks
      (2.86% of Supply)

      Dog + Bowl

      3 Unique Designs
      x 3 Numbered eBooks
      = 9 NFT eBooks
      (2.14% of Supply)


      2 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 2 NFT eBooks
      (0.48% of Supply)

      Four + Bowl

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Deuce + Bowl

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)


      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Five + Poo

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)


      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Rug Bowl

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Brown Paper

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Seven + Poo + Bowl

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Cash Grab

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)


      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      Self Reflecting on Bad Decisions

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)

      The Golden Dog

      1 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 1 NFT eBooks
      (0.24% of Supply)


      Publisher :

      Series : Flash Mint

      First Publication Date : 1865

      Author : W. N. Hutchinson

      Language : English

      Word Count : 138,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 69 ADA

      Purchase Limit: 1

      Cardano Policy ID : a9aad3d5f252fbed2e7965eab30dd01427291185b2e2cbca822e1ee5

      Author Info

      W. N. Hutchinson

      From Wikipedia: General William Nelson Hutchinson (1803–1895) was a British Army officer who became General Officer Commanding Western District. His works included Dog Breaking: The Most Expeditious, Certain, And Easy Method, Whether Great Excellence Or Only Mediocrity Be Required, With Odds And Ends For Those Who Love The Dog And Gun. Read More

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