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The Dog’s Book of Verse
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jpg.store“The Dog’s Book of Verse, compiled by J. Earl Clauson, is a poetic anthology that joyfully commemorates the unique bond between dogs and their owners.”
The Dog’s Book of Verse is a must-read for those who have experienced the warmth of a canine companion.
Over the course of history, dogs, cherished by many, have been the source of numerous poetic tributes. Within this anthology, the author skillfully assembles a series of concise verses that honor these steadfast companions.
The book is cherished not only for its literary merit but also for its cultural significance, prompting its preservation and reprinting as a facsimile of the original. Despite the presence of imperfections common in such reprints, like library marks and notations, the decision to republish this work underscores a commitment to celebrating and maintaining the rich tapestry of world literature.
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Publisher : Book.io
Series : Flash Mint
First Publication Date : 1916
Author : J. Earl Clauson
Genres: Anthology, Fiction, History, Poetry
Language : English
Word Count : 50,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 99 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 49 ADA, with Dog Breaking
Purchase Limit: 2
Author Info
J. Earl Clauson
J. Earl Clauson, while information about his personal life and literary journey remains somewhat limited, leaves an enduring mark through his contributions to The Dog's Book of Verse. This anthology stands as a testament to Clauson's deep affection for dogs and his ability to eloquently capture the intricacies of human-animal relationships in verse.
Clauson's contribution, embodied in this anthology, ensures that the joy and companionship offered by dogs are enshrined in… Read More
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