
    Not Always a Valley of Tears Audiobook

    A Memoir of a Life Well Lived


      56 ADAPlus network fees
      23.00 USDPlus network fees

      Pascuala Herrera, a Mexican immigrant woman with a physical disability resulting from childhood polio, had the odds against her, yet she conquered simply by working hard, having unfailing faith, and finding her own life purpose. Although her mother always told her that “life was a valley of tears,” Pascuala learned that although there were many difficult moments in her life, there were also beautiful miracles that happened every day.


      Pascuala Herrera tells her life’s narrative with honest painful stories, simple yet joyous triumphs, and humor that will lead all readers to embrace their own struggles and realize that life is “Not Always a Valley of Tears.” From being a child crawling in the streets of her pueblo in Mexico to becoming a successful educator in the United States, she proved that everything is possible. This autobiography covers many facets of the human experience – race, health, disability, religion, poverty, immigration, access to medical care, education, disability rights, miscarriage, adoption, and much more.

      Numbered Audiobooks: 300

      Number of Unique Covers: 1

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 0

      Not Always a Valley of Tears

      1 Unique Designs
      x 300 Numbered Audiobooks
      = 300 NFT Audiobooks
      Audiobook Numbers 0 - 299
      (100.00% of Supply)


      Publisher : John Marshall Media

      First Publication Date : 2021

      Author : Pascuala Herrera

      Genres: Autobiography, Memoir, Non-Fiction

      Language : English

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 56 ADA

      Cardano Policy ID : 01ccf866dccdf0c2d0fe97b437029e87673aec97553d423f21cfd298

      Author Info

      Pascuala Herrera

      Pascuala Herrera spent 30 years as a Professor and Accessibility Specialist at Harper College and now works full-time as a consultant and author of the memoir "Not Always a Valley of Tears." Born in Mexico and immigrating to the United States at age six, she has overcome the challenges of childhood polio, which left her physically disabled and using a motorized wheelchair. She earned her BA in Sociology and M.Ed in Reading and Learning Disabilities from DePaul University in Chicago. Pascuala fre… Read More

      **2021 winner of Soon ToBe Famous Illinois Author Project for the Spanish Category De la Página a la Fama.
      **2022 Indie Author of the Year
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