IT Governance

    An international guide to data security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002, Eighth edition

      177 ADAPlus network fees
      60.00 USDPlus network fees

      Recommended textbook for the UK Open University’s postgraduate information security course and the recommended text for all IBITGQ ISO 27001 courses

      In this updated edition, renowned ISO 27001/27002 experts Alan Calder and Steve Watkins:

      • Discuss the ISO 27001/27002:2022 updates
      • Provide guidance on how to establish a strong IT governance system and an ISMS (information security management system) that complies with ISO 27001 and ISO 27002
      • Highlight why data protection and information security are vital in our ever-changing online and physical environments
      • Reflect on changes to international legislation, e.g. the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
      • Review key topics such as risk assessment, asset management, controls, security, supplier relationships and compliance


      IT Governance – An international guide to data security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002, Eighth edition provides:

      • Expert information security management and governance guidance based on international best practice
      • Guidance on how to protect and enhance your organization with an ISO 27001:2022-compliant ISMS
      • Discussion around the changes to international legislation, including ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27002:2022

      As cyber threats continue to increase in prevalence and ferocity, it is more important than ever to implement a secure ISMS to protect your organization. Certifying your ISMS to ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 demonstrates to customers and stakeholders that your organization is handling data securely.

      Numbered eBooks: 300

      Number of Unique Covers: 10

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 5

      IT Governance

      5 Unique Designs
      x 59 Numbered eBooks
      = 295 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 5 - 299
      (98.33% of Supply)

      Data Security

      5 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 5 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 0 - 4
      (1.67% of Supply)


      Publisher : IT Governance Publishing

      First Publication Date : 2024

      Authors: Alan Calder, Steve Watkins

      Genres: Business, Computer & Internet, Information Technology, Management, Non-Fiction, Risk Management

      Language : English

      Word Count : 125,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 177 ADA

      Cardano Policy ID : 6ec6246ade5f3b25a4bbdf6a51f5169a2053fe61b899905fe8c9cafb

      Author Info

      Alan Calder

      Alan Calder is an acknowledged international cyber security guru and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues.

      Alan has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by the International Board for IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ).
      Alan has consulted for clients in the UK and abroad, and is a regular media commentator and speaker.

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      ISO 27001 is one of the leading information security standards. It offers an internationally recognized route for organizations of all sizes and industries to adopt and demonstrate effective, independently verified information security.
      This book will help you understand:

      How ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 can benefit your organization
      The requirements of ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27002:2022
      The ISO certification process
      Key terms and definitions used within these standards

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      Winner of “Best Cyber Book of the Year” at The Real Cyber Awards 2023!
      The book will give you a good understanding of the fundamentals of cybersecurity and resilience, without tying them to specific standards, frameworks, or solutions, and provide an excellent starting point for any cyber resilience implementation project.
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      This book is a comprehensive cyber security implementation manual which gives practical guidance on the individual activities identified in the IT Governance Cyber Resilience Framework (CRF) that can help organisations become cyber resilient and combat the cyber threat landscape.
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      Steve Watkins

      Steve Watkins is a director of Kinsnall Consulting Ltd, which provides strategic and tactical advice and training on cybersecurity, information security and privacy standards, and certification schemes.
      He is a contracted technical assessor for UKAS, conducting assessments of certification bodies offering ISMS/ISO 27001, PIMS/ISO 27701, and ITSMS/ISO 20000-1 accredited certification. He also undertakes information security assessments of forensic science laboratories seeking accreditation to th… Read More