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Food of the Gods Audiobook
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What happens when science pushes nature beyond its limits?
When two scientists, Mr. Bensington and Professor Redwood, develop a groundbreaking growth formula, they believe they are ushering in a new era of prosperity. Herakleophorbia IV—or the “Food of the Gods”—has the power to create enormous plants, livestock, and even humans. But their discovery quickly escapes their control, setting off a chain reaction of unintended consequences.
As giant creatures roam the countryside and children grow into towering, superhuman beings, society is thrown into chaos. Fear spreads among the masses, leading to violent conflicts between the “giants” and those who seek to suppress them. In this battle between progress and tradition, growth and fear, Wells crafts a thrilling and thought-provoking tale of scientific ambition, societal resistance, and the dangers of playing god.
Food of the Gods by H.G. Wells is a fascinating blend of science fiction and social satire that explores the unintended consequences of scientific discovery.
When two ambitious scientists, Mr. Bensington and Professor Redwood, create a revolutionary growth formula known as Herakleophorbia IV, they intend to benefit humanity by producing larger crops and livestock. However, their experiments spiral out of control as the substance spreads beyond their control, resulting in giant plants, animals, and even humans. As society grapples with the emergence of colossal creatures and towering children, fear and conflict arise between the “giants” and the rest of humanity.
Originally published in 1904, Food of the Gods is a thought-provoking critique of unchecked scientific ambition, the fear of change, and society’s resistance to progress. With Wells’ signature wit and visionary storytelling, this novel remains a compelling exploration of human nature and the unpredictable consequences of playing god.
Numbered Audiobooks: 400
Number of Unique Covers: 93
Number of 1:1 Covers: 51
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Audiobook Numbers 0 - 7
(2.00% of Supply)
Publisher :
Series : Essential Audiobook
First Publication Date : 1904
Author : H.G. Wells
Language : English
Word Count : 75,713
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Policy ID : 03465025770f3467d89ab67f0bb5413c6ab186686ede8ecb9de625e8
Author Info
H.G. Wells
From Wikipedia: Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output included works of social commentary, politics, history, popular science, satire, biography, and autobiography. Wells' science fiction novels are so well regarded that he has been called the "father of science fiction".
In addition to his fame as a writer, he was prominent in his lifetime as… Read More
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by H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds” catapults readers into a thrilling tale of extraterrestrial invasion, where Martians descend upon Earth with devastating force. Through Wells’ vivid prose, the reader witnesses the chaos and destruction wrought by the ruthless Martian invaders, whose advanced technology overwhelms humanity’s defenses.
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by H.G. Wells
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