Business Continuity and the Pandemic Threat

    Learning from COVID-19 while preparing for the next pandemic

      119 ADAPlus network fees
      40.00 USDPlus network fees

      A must-have for facing the coronavirus threat, Robert A. Clark’s new book reveals what you should do to mitigate the risk, and limit the damage, of pandemic incidents. The book builds on the themes introduced in his 2016 title Business Continuity and the Pandemic Threat – Potentially the biggest survival challenge facing organisations, focusing specifically on the COVID-19 pandemic.


      Business Continuity and the Pandemic Threat – Learning from COVID-19 while preparing for the next pandemic 2020 showed organisations that the threat of a pandemic needs to be taken seriously, and the importance of a business continuity plan in response to such a crisis. Clark’s book focuses on how an organisation can establish a pandemic response plan and manage the impact of a pandemic, and highlights the similarities when planning a response to other threats such as cyber attacks, to reinforce how the pandemic threat is of equal importance.

      The book looks at case studies, reviewing how different industries have been impacted by the pandemic, with the author also reflecting on his own personal experience during 2020. It also discusses the ways the virus has affected our economy and daily routines, and the psychological impact.

      How your organisation can create and validate a pandemic response plan;
      How to manage your organisation when faced with a pandemic threat;
      How lockdown has impacted our mental health, economies and working culture; and
      How organisations from varied industries have adapted in response to the pandemic.

      The book also provides useful free resources that offer further guidance/information.

      Numbered eBooks: 300

      Number of Unique Covers: 17

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 3

      Pandemic Working

      9 Unique Designs
      x 28 Numbered eBooks
      = 252 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 48 - 299
      (84.00% of Supply)

      Remote Working

      5 Unique Designs
      x 9 Numbered eBooks
      = 45 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 3 - 47
      (15.00% of Supply)

      Business Continuity

      3 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 3 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 0 - 2
      (1.00% of Supply)


      Publisher : IT Governance Publishing

      First Publication Date : 2022

      Author : Robert A. Clark

      Genres: Business, Management, Non-Fiction, Reference Work, Technology

      Language : English

      Word Count : 120,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 119 ADA

      Cardano Policy ID : def3bf8407cd13d301df41687d6d8d682026515bc02cb8a51ba14cb6

      Author Info

      Robert A. Clark

      Robert A. Clark is a retired freelance Business Continuity Consultant. He has multi-national and multi-cultural experience having worked in fifteen different countries. His career spans more than 40 years and includes 15 years spent with IBM and 11 years with Fujitsu. In 2013 he started working as a part time university lecturer delivering to both under-graduate and post graduate students. He also delivered Crisis Management, Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery commercial training in t… Read More