A Christmas Carol is one of Charles Dickens’s most beloved works, a timeless tale of redemption, compassion, and the spirit of Christmas. Set in Victorian London, this novella tells the transformative journey of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly businessman who learns the true meaning of generosity and humanity after a series of ghostly visits on Christmas Eve. With its heartwarming message and unforgettable characters, the story continues to resonate across generations. … Read More
Step into the heartwarming yet heartrending world of The Old Curiosity Shop, where Dickens masterfully weaves a tale of resilience, love, and human frailty. Read More
Oliver Twist is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in serial form between 1837 and 1839. It is a social critique wrapped in a compelling narrative about the life of a young orphan named Oliver Twist. The story explores themes of poverty, child labor, crime, and the struggle between good and evil in Victorian England. Read More
Set against the turmoil of the French Revolution, A Tale of Two Cities delivers a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Dickens captures the human drama of two cities—London and Paris—as they navigate a world in upheaval. Read More