Genre - Comedy
“Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome is a classic comedic novel first published in 1889. It is a comedic masterpiece that chronicles the misadventures of three friends as they embark on a boating holiday along the Thames River. Jerome, who also serves as the narrator, weaves a tale filled with witty observations and humorous reflections on the peculiarities of Victorian society. Accompanied by Jerome’s mischievous dog, Montmorency, the friends navigate a series of humoro… Read More
“Lysistrata” by Aristophanes is a timeless Greek comedy that unfolds against the backdrop of the Peloponnesian War, offering a bold and satirical commentary on the folly of war and the power of women. Written in the 5th century BCE, Aristophanes’ play centers around the eponymous heroine, Lysistrata, who hatches a daring plan to end the war by convincing the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands until they agree to negotiate peace. As Lysistrata̵… Read More
Tim and Julie are being forced to work again, but this time as frogs? Brace yourselves for another
begrudgingly epic adventure, as Tim and Julie are lured to another dimension to save the day.
The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contains profanity, sexuality, violence, and a lot of really
stupid jokes. This story is intended for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.
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Tim and Julie are being forced to work again, but this time as frogs? Brace yourselves for another
begrudgingly epic adventure, as Tim and Julie are lured to another dimension to save the day.
The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contains profanity, sexuality, violence, and a lot of really
stupid jokes. This story is intended for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.
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Tim the lazy, overweight wizard has his dream job. As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don’t last forever…
In “The Wizard Tim,” a tale unfolds of Tim, a lazy and overweight wizard, and his unusually close assistant Julie. When they face the loss of everything they cherish, they’re forced out of their comfort zones of leisure and indulg… Read More
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a famous comedy play written by William Shakespeare. It was most likely composed around the year 1595 or 1596 and is one of Shakespeare’s most well-known and frequently performed works. The play explores themes of love, magic, and the unpredictable nature of human emotions.
The story takes place in Athens, Greece, and the surrounding enchanted forest. It revolves around the adventures and misadventures of several groups of characters whose lives become inte… Read More
Tim the lazy, overweight wizard has his dream job. As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don’t last forever…
The Wizard Tim tells the story of how a lazy, overweight wizard named Tim, and his strangely intimate assistant Julie, lose all they hold dear and must step outside of their comfort zones of naps and pies, to endure the most arduous and physically … Read More