The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy

    You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned

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      Does it take faith to be a Jedi? Are droids capable of thought? Should Jar Jar Binks be held responsible for the rise of the Empire? Presenting entirely new essays, no aspect of the myth and magic of George Lucas’s creation is left philosophically unexamined in The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy.


      The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy presents an original set of expert essays by some of the brightest minds in the galaxy, exploring the deeper side of Star Wars and its Expanded Universe. There are new takes on familiar topics, like the nature of the Force – does it have to have a dark side? – and a feminist critique of the portrayal of women – what is the deeper meaning in being chained to a slug? We examine the philosophical significance behind the impact of Star Wars on the real world as an important artifact of pop culture, the legacy of Joseph Campbell on the saga’s mythical foundation, and offer a framework for understanding just what is “canonical” in Star Wars – giving fans good reason to assert once and for all that Han shot first.

      The editors of the original Star Wars and Philosophy strike back in this Ultimate volume that encompasses the complete Star Wars universe:

      • Presents the most far-reaching examination of the philosophy behind Star Wars – includes coverage of the entire film catalogue to date as well as the Expanded Universe of novels, comics, television series, games and toys
      • Provides serious explorations into the deeper meaning of George Lucas’s philosophically rich creation
      • Topics explored include the moral code of bounty-hunter favorite Boba Fett, Stoicism and the Jedi Order, the nature of the Dark Side, Anakin and Achilles in a nihilism face-off, feminism and being chained to a giant slug, cloning, de-extinction, fatherhood, Wookiees, loyalty, betrayal, guardians, republics, tyrants, terrorism, civic duty, friendship, family, and more!

      With the book you hold in your hands, the circle is now complete, and those who were once learners may start on the path toward becoming philosophical masters. May the Force be with you!

      Numbered eBooks: 400

      Number of Unique Covers: 72

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 33

      The Energy Swords

      16 Unique Designs
      x 12 Numbered eBooks
      = 192 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 208 - 399
      (48.00% of Supply)

      With Great Power

      9 Unique Designs
      x 9 Numbered eBooks
      = 81 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 127 - 207
      (20.25% of Supply)

      The Order

      8 Unique Designs
      x 8 Numbered eBooks
      = 64 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 63 - 126
      (16.00% of Supply)

      The Peace

      6 Unique Designs
      x 5 Numbered eBooks
      = 30 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 33 - 62
      (7.50% of Supply)

      The Empire

      12 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 12 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 21 - 32
      (3.00% of Supply)

      The Alliance

      8 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 8 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 13 - 20
      (2.00% of Supply)

      The Inner Struggle

      7 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 7 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 6 - 12
      (1.75% of Supply)

      The Darkness

      6 Unique Designs
      x 1 Numbered eBooks
      = 6 NFT eBooks
      eBook Numbers 0 - 5
      (1.50% of Supply)


      Publisher : Wiley

      First Publication Date : 2015

      Authors: Jason T. Eberl, Kevin S. Decker, William Irwin

      Genres: Essays, Philosophy, Popular Culture

      Language : English

      Word Count : 100,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 45 ADA

      Purchase Limit: 2

      Cardano Policy ID : fe64b9c20367694c6635d5995a6f58ef5e36cca73fbbc1fe44edb942

      Author Info

      Jason T. Eberl

      Jason T. Eberl, Ph.D. is the Hubert Mader Professor of Health Care Ethics and Philosophy and Director of the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at Saint Louis University. His research interests include the philosophy of human nature and its application to issues at the margins of life; ethical issues related to end-of-life care, biotechnology, and healthcare allocation; and the philosophical thought of Thomas Aquinas.
      He is the author of 'Thomistic Principles and Bioethics' (Routledge … Read More

      Kevin S. Decker

      Kevin S. Decker grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, enjoying bike riding, reading, Imo's Pizza, and Ted Drewes' frozen custard.
      He graduated from McKendree College (now University) in 1990 with the bachelor's degree in History and Philosophy. He attended the University of Missouri--St. Louis for study of history, but gained his PhD from St. Louis University in 2004 for Philosophy.
      Since 2005, Decker has taught at Eastern Washington University (Cheney, WA) and served as associate dean of his colleg… Read More

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      William Irwin

      William Irwin is Herve A. LeBlanc Distinguished Service Professor in the Philosophy Department at King's College, Pennsylvania. Irwin's books include Little Siddhartha (2018), God Is a Question, Not an Answer (2018), and The Meaning of Metallica (2022). He is also the author of the novel Free Dakota (2016) and The Free Market Existentialist: Capitalism without Consumerism (2015).
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