
    The Search for King Audiobook

    A Fable


      15 ADAPlus network fees
      6.00 USDPlus network fees

      “The Search for King” is an enchanting tale of adventure and self-discovery.

      The birds needed to elect a king.

      The birds flocked to the Meeting Tree.
      Blackbirds made a quick decree:
      Black feathers will be compulsory
      For the bird that king will be.
      Blackbirds’ intent was not hard to see,
      To make one of them the nominee.


      In a mix of photography and verse, Smith tells a story of pride, ego, diversity, and acceptance. It is about the importance of choosing leaders based on their character, not the color of their feathers. The book is written in playful rhymes and double meanings, with just the right measure of fun facts about birds. A book that will charm readers of all ages who enjoy fables, light verse, humor, photography, and birds.

      Numbered Audiobooks: 300

      Number of Unique Covers: 1

      Number of 1:1 Covers: 0

      The Search for King

      1 Unique Designs
      x 300 Numbered Audiobooks
      = 300 NFT Audiobooks
      Audiobook Numbers 0 - 299
      (100.00% of Supply)


      Publisher : John Marshall Media

      First Publication Date : 2022

      Author : Thomas Smith

      Genres: Children's Literature, Fable, Fiction, Humor

      Language : English

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 15 ADA

      Cardano Policy ID : 4cac742de70fd45b06f0eb3456ea9cf399b8166435831a206aedcf11

      Author Info

      Thomas Smith

      Thomas Smith is an author, poet, and former university professor. I have written poetry since high school for a number of reasons, including to encourage my wife to marry me. As an academician I have published over sixty articles and book chapters in the scientific literature. As a poet, I have published limericks, haiku, and short poems in several literary journals. I am inspired by our family, the outdoors, our travel opportunities, and our astonishing life experiences.
      When not writing poems… Read More