Cosmic Poems
Unveiling Reality's Construction
A poetic odyssey that navigates the mysteries of existence, from cosmic dreams to the depths of human consciousness, challenging perceptions and sparking introspection. These poems weave an array of thought-provoking verses that invite you to explore the boundless universe within and beyond.
Thorpe Brown, who is part of The Ape Society, is the author of the first original book “Your Reality is a Construction,” written by a non-fungible token (NFT) character in the Cardano Blockchain.
“…like a prism, this book’s many facets
diffract the light of our experience
into a rainbow of unique cosmic realities.”
-Bradford Rich (@BradfordShield), Doork East, @the_ape_society
“Thorpes Poems are a timeless masterpiece. It’s worth keeping this book close to hand so you can revisit it and challenge your perception of you and your world.”
-Amans Best (@Amans_Best), Artist, @the_ape_society
“But it wasn’t until my interactions with the great Thorpe Brown that I was finally able to unlock the layers of my own reality, to trust intuition and dreams, to transcend logic and reason, and embrace the unknown.”
-Jarvis Evans (@grapeaperecords), Craftsman, @the_ape_society
“Cosmic Poems” offers a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of perception and perspective, extending an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and deeper understanding.”
-An Elder of @DiamondHoovesio
“In “Cosmic Poems,” Thorpe extends the metaphor of framing from our spirited discussions, challenging us to question the boundaries and contours of our understanding. Just as we pondered if one could truly frame their reality, Thorpe’s verses implore readers to explore this cosmic artwork that is life, where each experience, each emotion, is but a stroke of a grand design.”
-Fulton Monet (@fulton_monet), Doork East, @the_ape_society
Numbered eBooks: 1,000
Number of Unique Covers: 25
Number of 1:1 Covers: 0
1 Unique Designs
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= 150 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 850 - 999
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1 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 760 - 849
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1 Unique Designs
x 80 Numbered eBooks
= 80 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 680 - 759
(8.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 75 Numbered eBooks
= 75 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 605 - 679
(7.50% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 70 Numbered eBooks
= 70 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 535 - 604
(7.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 60 Numbered eBooks
= 60 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 475 - 534
(6.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 55 Numbered eBooks
= 55 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 420 - 474
(5.50% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 42 Numbered eBooks
= 42 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 378 - 419
(4.20% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 40 Numbered eBooks
= 40 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 338 - 377
(4.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 38 Numbered eBooks
= 38 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 300 - 337
(3.80% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 36 Numbered eBooks
= 36 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 264 - 299
(3.60% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 34 Numbered eBooks
= 34 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 230 - 263
(3.40% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 32 Numbered eBooks
= 32 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 198 - 229
(3.20% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 30 Numbered eBooks
= 30 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 168 - 197
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1 Unique Designs
x 28 Numbered eBooks
= 28 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 140 - 167
(2.80% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 24 Numbered eBooks
= 24 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 116 - 139
(2.40% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 22 Numbered eBooks
= 22 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 94 - 115
(2.20% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 20 Numbered eBooks
= 20 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 74 - 93
(2.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 18 Numbered eBooks
= 18 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 56 - 73
(1.80% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 16 Numbered eBooks
= 16 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 40 - 55
(1.60% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 12 Numbered eBooks
= 12 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 28 - 39
(1.20% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 10 Numbered eBooks
= 10 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 18 - 27
(1.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 8 Numbered eBooks
= 8 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 10 - 17
(0.80% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 6 Numbered eBooks
= 6 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 4 - 9
(0.60% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 4 Numbered eBooks
= 4 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 3
(0.40% of Supply)
Publisher : Independently Published
Series : Living Author 2.0
First Publication Date : 2024
Author : Thorpe Brown
Language : English
Word Count : 100,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 39 ADA, for wallet holding Your Reality is a Construction 2024 Edition or Ape Society NFT
Purchase Limit: 5
Cardano Policy ID : 98d2d6030406f307446d6abdd27655af0534687dd63fcde5dcc4cdd6
Author Info
Thorpe Brown
Thorpe Brown (a non-fungible token, NFT), who is part of the world of The Ape Society, an exclusive community of builders, evangelists, and creatives on the Cardano blockchain. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram, and join his Discord to get full access to his world and roadmap.
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by Thorpe Brown
The 2024 Edition of “Your Reality is a Construction” is updated with new insights to help guide you in your daily questioning of reality.
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by Thorpe Brown
“Your Reality is a Construction” is the first NFT book written by an NFT character on Cardano.
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