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The Brothers Karamazov
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opensea.io“The Brothers Karamazov” is a novel written by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was first published in 1880 and is considered one of Dostoevsky’s masterpieces and a classic of world literature.
The novel is a complex and sprawling work that explores profound philosophical, ethical, and psychological themes. It revolves around the relationships and conflicts within the Karamazov family, consisting of the father, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, and his three sons: Dmitri, Ivan, and Alexei (Alyosha). Each son represents a different aspect of the human psyche and engages with moral and spiritual questions in his own way.
From Wikipedia: The Brothers Karamazov (Russian: Братья Карамазовы, Brat’ya Karamazovy, pronounced [ˈbratʲjə kərɐˈmazəvɨ]), also translated as The Karamazov Brothers, is the last novel by Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov, which was published as a serial in The Russian Messenger from January 1879 to November 1880. Dostoevsky died less than four months after its publication. It has been acclaimed as one of the supreme achievements in world literature.
Set in 19th-century Russia, The Brothers Karamazov is a passionate philosophical novel that discusses questions of God, free will, and morality. It has also been described as a theological drama dealing with problems of faith, doubt, and reason in the context of a modernizing Russia, with a plot that revolves around the subject of patricide. Dostoevsky composed much of the novel in Staraya Russa, which inspired the main setting.
Numbered eBooks: 718
Number of Unique Covers: 171
Number of 1:1 Covers: 104
The Elder Monk, Zosima
19 Unique Designs
x 14 Numbered eBooks
= 266 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 452 – 717
(37.05% of Supply)
The Monastery
18 Unique Designs
x 10 Numbered eBooks
= 180 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 272 – 451
(25.07% of Supply)
The Karamazov Patriarch
16 Unique Designs
x 7 Numbered eBooks
= 112 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 160 – 271
(15.60% of Supply)
The Faithful Alyosha
14 Unique Designs
x 4 Numbered eBooks
= 56 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 104 – 159
(7.80% of Supply)
The Coveted Grushenka
31 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 31 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 73 – 103
(4.32% of Supply)
The Suffering of Dmitri
29 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 29 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 44 – 72
(4.04% of Supply)
The Bastard Son
18 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 18 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 26 – 43
(2.51% of Supply)
The Devil Visions of Ivan
14 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 14 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 12 – 25
(1.95% of Supply)
The Bludgeoning of Fyodor
12 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 12 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 – 11
(1.67% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 63
Number of Unique Covers: 63
Number of 1:1 Covers: 63
The Suffering of Dmitri
23 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 23 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 40 – 62
(36.51% of Supply)
The Coveted Grushenka
17 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 17 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 23 – 39
(26.98% of Supply)
The Devil Visions of Ivan
13 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 13 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 10 – 22
(20.63% of Supply)
The Bludgeoning of Fyodor
10 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 10 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 – 9
(15.87% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 104
Number of Unique Covers: 104
Number of 1:1 Covers: 104
The Coveted Grushenka
26 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 26 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 78 – 103
(25.00% of Supply)
The Suffering of Dmitri
19 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 19 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 59 – 77
(18.27% of Supply)
The Bastard Son
18 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 18 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 41 – 58
(17.31% of Supply)
The Faithful Alyosha
15 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 15 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 26 – 40
(14.42% of Supply)
The Devil Visions of Ivan
14 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 14 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 12 – 25
(13.46% of Supply)
The Bludgeoning of Fyodor
12 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 12 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 – 11
(11.54% of Supply)
Publisher : Book.io
Series: Misfits, Multi-Chain
First Publication Date : 1879
Author : Fyodor Dostoevsky
Genres: Fiction, Novel, Philosophical Fiction, Suspense
Language : English
Word Count : 354,098
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 169 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 79 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible, Walden, and Paradise Lost
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : e75645dd317f7aa64230e2604b0c8dad0630d5c8a355cc50c8c38c13
Ethereum Retail Price : .02 ETH
Ethereum Discount Price : .005 ETH, for wallet holding Alice in Wonderland, King Lear, Walden, Paradise Lost, and Anna Karenina
Purchase Limit: 3
Ethereum Contract Address : 0xBC4156fA11052c6321bdd04d1288B7C14b30cf22
Polygon Retail Price : 99 MATIC
Polygon Discount Price : 19 MATIC, for wallet holding The Art of War, King Lear, Walden, Paradise Lost, and Anna Karenina
Purchase Limit: 2
Polygon Contract Address : 0x844c8F251f21C840B1Da4A60A20556A1872551b3
Author Info
Fyodor Dostoevsky
From Wikipedia: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (11 November 1821 – 9 February 1881), sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist. Numerous literary critics regard him as one of the greatest novelists in all of world literature, as many of his works are considered highly influential masterpieces.
Dostoevsky's literary works explore the human condition in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres of 19th-century Ru… Read More
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Rare Evo Exclusive
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by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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… Read More
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